Първо писмо
Отговор от мен:Здравейте, казвам се ........., на 28 години съм и имам генетален херпес повече от година. Т.к. това нещо ме съсипва, се обръщам отчаяно към вас. Прочетох някои неща за ТЕС и съм готова да положа всички усилия, за да се оттърва от това нещо. Искам да ми помогнете с настройката и декларацията. Изпълнена съм с негативни мисли по дадения проблем постоянно, обвзело е изцяло мозъка ми. Дайте ми няколко съвета как да започна, как да настоя мислите си и да променя мирогледа си, за да бъде успешно тесането ми. Бях страхотен човек.. усмихната, целенасочена, позитивна, мила и добра. Последната една година съм страшно мрачна и постоянно изнервена.. да не говорим че имам и приятел, който незнам как ме понася. Сексуалния ми жовот е под всякаква критика, херпеса избива всеки месец.. какви ли не имуностимуланти пия и нямам подобрение. Ще бъда безкрайно благодарна, ако отвърнете на моето писмо. Извинявам се, за притеснението!
Второ писмо от ..........:Отвори си тема във форума. - в подфорум ПОМАГА ЛИ ТЕС ЗА......Копирай и постави там първото съобщение, което ми изпрати. Аз ти отговарям там. Както вече казах искам да съм полезен на колкото се може повече хора, а не да отговарям на всеки поотделно. Никой не те знае коя си. Анонимността ти е гарантиранав този форум. няма от какво да се срамуваш. Има много хора с твоя проблем, които също търсят решение и тази тема ще им е полезна.
Отговор от мен:Здравейте, отново! Знам че казахте, че повече няма да отговаряте на съобщенията ми, но исках само да ви благодаря че ме насочихте към http://www.mmsbulgaria.com. Току що поръчах своя ЦДС, а преди ден закупих и вашата книга. Както Ви казах, Вие ми върнахте надеждата! От тук насетне ме очаква доста работа и то по ТЕС, защото той е в основата.. "Промяната идва отвътре.."
Трето писмо от ...........:Радвам се, че си последвала съветите ми.
След като изпиеш ЦДС-а си купувай само ММС за пиене. По-ефективен е.
ЦДС-а става за мазане по тялото, вагинални душове, клизми и т.н.
И за пиене става, но е по-слаб от ММС-а.
Като имаш реултати сподели в своя тема във форума. Така ще помогнеш на много хора с подобни проблеми. Както този форум ще помогне на теб.
Отговор от мен:Иван, силно притеснена съм! Херпеса изби пак и то със всичка сила цели 4 са Пия ЦДС вече 5 дни по протокол 2000, 10 часа без добавка на ДМСО. Освен с херпес симплекс тип 2, съм носител и на папилома, имам и уреуплазма. това го разбрах преди 7 дни. Днес пуснах и пратих един немски тест за патогени в Германия. Ти си умен и разумен, достатъчно начетен.. Според теб възможно ли е ЦДС да го е възбудил? Рухвам, нямам изход на 24 съм.. дай ми съвет. Душата ми умира, губя вече всякаква надежда.. Цял живот се стремях да бъда добър човек, не съм някоя развратница, партньорите ми се броят на едната ръка.. къде сбърках? Моля те дай ми надежда, посъветвай ме..
Повече не ми е писала.Отвори си тема във форума - в подфорум ПОМАГА ЛИ ТЕС ЗА......Копирай и постави там първото съобщение, което ми изпрати. Аз ще ти отговарям там. Както вече казах искам да съм полезен на колкото се може повече хора, а не да отговарям на всеки поотделно. Никой не те знае коя си. Анонимността ти е гарантиранав този форум. няма от какво да се срамуваш. Има много хора с твоя проблем, които също търсят решение и тази тема ще им е полезна.
По-долу публикувам няколко случая на хора излекували Херпес с ММС. Взети са от сайта на Джим Хамбъл. На английски са. Нямам време да ги превеждам. Който иска може да ползва Гугъл преводача.
Аз също съм се лекувал успешно с ТЕС и ММС от херпес. Аз не използвам никакви други лекарства и не стъпвам при лекари, ако имам здравословен проблем. Те не могат да ми предложат нищо друго освен лекарства с неясни странични ефекти, които не лекуват причината, а само потискат временно симптомите или операции за отстраняване на разни части от тялото ми, които аз държа да си запазя. Това е моят избор. Вие направете вашия.
1. Testimonial On Herpes
A little update on the herpes2. well after the 3 or 4 days of the tingling feeling and the sensations of a sore that never came out, i am happy to report that not only was there no breakout but now, for me, as my husband, the tingling and any sensation has stopped also...
...looks like the herpes was not allowed to do its thing with us this time! thanks to mms.
before mms, on the average, i had a hsv2 breakout about 2x a month --- sometimes 1---sometimes 3
--- but i have always, like clockwork, had a breakout during my period or right after, so it will be interesting to see what happens in 2 or so weeks when my menses comes.
i uped my dose from 5 drops 2x a day to 5 drops 3x a day rather than increasing the # of drops-- b/c i still get a little nauseas with 6 drops or over ---but i seem to be fine with 5drops 3x a day the last two days.
i also wanted to mention that i feel a bit more clear in my head (brain fog for years)and i have less headaches. much of the stiffness and aches(especially in my neck and legs) have vanished since being on mms. also, in the mornings i used to feel like i was hit by a truck when i woke up ---but now i feel like i was only hit by a bike. its pretty amazing that all this happened only since jan 1st 2008 --- that much occurred for me in about a two week time frame! i used almost every type of holistic/natural/alternative health kick out there for over 15 years, and never have i had a shift like this in such a short period of time! ...and all for 25 bucks! --- i have spent thousands and thousands.
I really want to thank JIM HUMBLE. he is making me a better mother for my children.. i hope he knows how many he has touched!
2. Herpes eye wound and brain encephalitis cured
I was suffering from herpes encephalitis infection, and also herpes wounds on the skin around my eyes. This was going on for about a year, and nothing could help me it seemed.Within days of using MMS the herpes around my eyes disappeared. Within a couple of weeks the herpes encephalitis infection was gone. I used the MMS 1000 protocol. I started at one drop, and worked my way of to 3 drops every hour (6-8 times a day). I would like to add that in my experience doing many small doses of MMS every day seems much more effective than a few large doses.As you know, herpes encephalitis is a very serious condition. I was very sick. I tried everything conventional medicine and alternative medicine could offer. Some remedies did offer some temporary comfort, but only MMS could cure me, believe it or not!I am now several months without any symptoms. I would like to thank Jim Humble for his mission and having given me my life back. Thank you.
3. Cold Sore that didn’t appear!
I had a cold sore coming on although I didn't realize it at the time b/c I was taking MMS, so my only indication was that my right nostril looked a bit red and a wee bit swollen. I finished my 21 day protocol in the meantime with no other discomfort or indicators around the nostril. The other day when I looked in the mirror I noticed what looked like fresh skin with a little bit of old skin sloughing off.....I thought "that's odd, it looks like what it does when I have had a cold sore when new skin appears after meds and 10 days of treatment." I completely believe that MMS arrested the development of that cold sore! I have had them in and around my nose on and off for about 10+ years. I know after all that time what it feels like coming on (tingling, red, then the appearance of bumps and then full blown...omg!! right?) Well, not this time. I swear MMS worked! I even went so far as to spray some on the site to speed recovery & that works too!
4. Herpes Simplex I cured
I contracted a cold sore (herpes simplex 1) while on vacation. Luckily, I packed my spray bottle and DMSO (70/30) dropper with me. I used the spray protocol and did it every day for five days 8 hours a day. I cured myself by the fifth day! I experience very little discomfort and I believed it accelerated the healing process. I have not had a recurrent outbreak since. MMS 1 Works!
5. Healed of Shingles
Just wanted to share our most recent healing experience with MMS.
My wife broke out with "Shingles" of all things. Shingles comes from the Chickenpox virus as a child and lies dormant in the body until later in life when a person's immune system is weakened. Then it breaks out. I think they have trigger elements in our environment to cause these outbreaks; as with many viruses men have made for evil purposes of greed, manipulation and control (but that's another subject).
However, we searched the internet to make certain of what it was compared to symptoms and visible photos. We stated building her immune system up by diet and I had some homeopathic pain lotion for the pain. Pain seemed to be horrible to my wife. The pain was reduced and kept to a minimum with the pain lotion. We followed some natural ways of dealing with the shingles and it helped a lot. We were getting good results and the outbreak or spread had stopped. The listers were still full and tight visibly. And then I remembered the stories of malaria in your book that I purchased. I said, if MMS can kill this virus in a couple of days, surely it will work to kill this shingles virus. So, I discussed it with my wife and she agreed to take it, instead of going to the doctor. So, I started her a regiment of 5 drops in the morning, 5 drops in the evening and 5 drops before going to bed. I didn't want to make it any stronger, because she hates the taste and I certainly didn't want her to be discouraged in anyway. The blisters begin to shrink and dried up. We knew the shingles were licked. We went to 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops before bed. This is shortened for time sake. But the whole process was just a few days for the blisters to stop and dry up. Because of what I read about the dormant nature of this virus, we decided to do the drops for a few days after all symptoms went away.
6. Herpes finally gone!!!!
I have taken MMS for 18 month at 6 drops twice per day. I do not have any mouth ulsers or herpes outbreaks anymore! I also noticed I sleep much better and breath much better.though it has not cured me of my fibromyalgia it has helped. I will try the DMSO with MMS1 very soon for several months.
My brother had a bad case of intestinal flu for a week and popped over one day, I said, "give this MMS a try!". He took 2 drops and went straight home. He phoned me back 20 mins later saying all his discomfort had gone somehow. So, he came over for some more just in case but he ever needed anymore.
Brian Adams
7. MMS 2 for herpes outbreaks
For those of you who can't avoid getting re-infected (ornery spouse), or who have a nasty strain of herpes that regularly comes back I have found that a solution of Ca hypochlorite of 1/4 tsp per 16-20 fl oz of water used via Q-tip cotton swab onto tingling areas (signaling the potential approach of blisters) such as in or around nostrils, corner of lips, around and in eyes (stings a little but never hurt my eyes), has when used morning and evening stopped it from developing further, taken the irritation out, and caused it to subside quickly, ...esp. when an adult takes 15-20 alfalfa tablets, chews up and washes down with lemonade or grapefruit juice at same time.
8. Genital Herpes cured after 47 years of hell.
“I hope someone can gain from my story and realize that no matter how difficult the path is, or has been, and how bad the attacks are, that all you need to do is persist with MMS (CDS) and it will be gone. I for one have considerable faith in CDS above standard application MMS, and would use no other in any further treatment I undertake for whatever in the future. In the end I could not believe how simple it really was to eradicate this monster after all this time”.
I have lived with this devastating and painfully horrendous virus for 47 years. After treatments with high strength CDS covering a period not exceeding 3 months overall, my genital herpes (HSV2) is completely cured.
It is now over 18 months since my treatment and not a sign of the HSV2 virus have I seen in that time. Previous attacks came every 2 months as regular as clockwork.
My story of how I succeeded with this cure was far too long for a testimonial, so in the interests of providing some real helpful ----- and for those who would like to know the full story, it is 5 pages, I have presented a document which can be viewed at the following link below.
Good results, genital herpes cured.
I finished that second course many months ago, and have not seen the slightest sign of the genital herpes virus since. At time of this writing November 2015, it has now been over eighteen months since I finished all treatments and not a sign of genital herpes attacks have I had in that time. And I state here, in that time since, I have encountered some emotional turmoil that in the past would have always triggered a herpes attack. I do believe with absolute certainty, for the first time in 47 years I am now clear of the herpes virus. Overjoyed in not really good enough to describe it. This virus totally ruined my life, at times I wonder how I kept going. But at least now I can contemplate my later years and plan future events, knowing full well I am not going to be saddled with an attack at a time you would least want one, which usually happened.
The problem with a genital herpes life sentence is that it is not the type of problem to even discuss with anyone, so telling people my problem was never an option that was going to be accepted. This was very much an alone path to walk. Also considering the mentality of most of society, where genital herpes is primarily the source of great jokes from low types who have no idea of what a person with it goes through. This virus is taking over the world and the number of people who have contracted it is enormous. Never a word do you hear from the media regarding protection and avoidance of this horrendous monster.
Final summary.
I occasionally consult an alternate practitioner and he has also confirmed that the herpes virus is no longer resident in my system. That was my opinion before I asked him, he simply confirmed my assessment. I have no intention of getting a blood test to prove the finding, I hate doctors at the best of times, I don’t really care who believes me, I know it is gone forever, and I’ll leave it to doctors to keep prescribing aciclovir to poor unfortunates, keep them ignorant and in the dark, keep telling them it is incurable and keep Big Pharma in the style to which they have become accustomed. Big Pharma will not be happy as I am no longer on their expensive drugs.
I hope someone can gain from my story and realize that no matter how difficult the path is, or has been, and how bad the attacks are, that all you need to do is persist with MMS (CDS) and it will be gone. I for one have considerable faith in CDS above standard application MMS, and would use no other in any further treatment I undertake for whatever in the future. In the end I could not believe how simple it really was to eradicate this monster after all this time. What I find really sad and annoying is, that I could have had a marvellous life not overshadowed by this viral monster, but alas all we had were doctors telling us it was incurable, there was no MMS or Jim Humble back then. And to Jim Humble I can only say “Thank You” for your efforts in making this knowledge public.
I’ve always been a very anti-drug person, I can still count on two hands the number of headache or pain killers I have taken in my life. I never took pain killers with my herpes attacks primarily due to my hatred of drugs, I learned to tolerate the pain and the itch. I was glad to say goodbye to the aciclovir and I take no other doctors drugs and don’t intend to start. Sadly too many people are up to their eyeballs with drugs and are afraid to dump them in favour of MMS. If people could realise just what a Band-Aid measure drugs are, they would stop taking them and search out the real reasons for their malady. The system has people lured into the false reality that they cannot go on living without all these drugs and the help of doctors. Alas too many people live in the vain hope that all they have to do is go to a doctor, get a prescription for some drug or other, and all their problems will just disappear. That is not the answer.
On the last positive note, I did have two wives and three children, none of whom never caught the virus. Believe me, you don’t know the meaning of vigilance until you go through the routine of making sure you don’t pass it on.
To all of you that have this virus, think long and hard, don’t hesitate any longer, and start on MMS (CDS) without delay. And if you don’t like the taste of MMS and if you don’t like being ill from MMS, I strongly suggest you consider CDS. I never got ill or had diarrhea once, the taste is much more pleasant and fairly easy to take, especially in cold water. And in consideration of the very strong solution of CDS that I used that was extremely effective in removing this virus, I strongly suggest you get hold of some of that without delay.
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?esid=A4 ... 8&authkey=!
9. Shingles cure?
After dealing with this issue for quite a while and tried a topically applied 28% sodium chlorite solution...(as used to make MMS). Using this cleared up several areas of active "lesions" in 2-3 days or so. Application seems to react strongly to these areas...causing itching...causing some areas to turn a lighter color...then causing redness. Probably best to keep application down to 2xs per day or so. Do not apply right before bed...since you might not sleep due to the itching. After the redness subsides...the "lesions" dry up and skin gradually returns to normal.
This also seems to work with "lesions" that are more deep seated and aren't active...but also won't go away....though this takes more time.
Strangely enough...application to areas of the skin not involved causes almost no reaction.
The only other remedies that seemed to work have been tea tree oil and Dermatox...both of which seem to repress the issue...but not clear it. Have also been using both of these along with the sodium chlorite.
Cautions: Doesn't seem to help ones hair....so use it in your hair with caution. Obviously...keep it away from eyes. Test in a small area first?
That this issue was shingles has not been verified...but I had chicken pox as a child and I'm in the age bracket when it most occurs.
United States
10. Herpes simplex - Labialis gone in 3 days
"It was requested by the Mother of my Daughter to come and assists with her healing of Herpes simplex (lips).
It had become uncontrolable and was spreading around the mouth area.
Approximatly half of the mouth was covered in large unsightly scabs, alive and tingling.
I set to work with MMS, i made a Solution at the advised 1:5 ratio of 3:15 drops mixed with water in a tea-cup.
My daughter, very maturly applied this to the area every half hour as requested.
She also took one drop to five mixed with water internaly (drinking).
The results were obvious within twelve hours.
The moist tingling of herpes had reduced and the drying-out process had began.
At 24 Hours, the tingling had reduced to 20%. The continued healing was obvious.
At 48 Hours, the vague rememberance of this irritating out of control “virus” merely lingered and the scabs had dried up and fallen away.
At 72 Hours the Problem was solved and Herpes completely gone!
Continued one drop-to-five maintanance Dose for seven days, as immune system booster."
Tobias Laube on Gregory Paul Whaling
Tobias Laube
Posted : 15-05-2014
11. No More Herpes
I suffered from herpes all my life, with help from the http://www.undergroundcure.com(6 week protocol) I was able to cure my herpes with an Alkaline Diet and Ji Humble's Herpes Prortocol it better if you do a liver cleanse before starting on MMS and a colon cleanse after the MMS protocol. I went all the way to 7 drops 4 times a day for almost a month, ofcourse you should start with a low dosage ( 1 or 2 drops) for the first 5 days the work your way up. I got rid of my herpes and eczema ( and probably many other things) Oxygen therapy ! cures all anearobic virus ! I want to thank Jim Humble and Jesus Christ my lord a savior for curing me through MMS.
After years without an outbreak, I woke up with the telltale itch. At first I thought it was a spider bite on my butt. It didn't take long to figure out I was having a genital herpe outbreak. First I took out the pharmaceutical creme I had stowed away, applied it and low and behold here come two more lesions popping out. I kept putting the creme on hoping that would help since my last outbreak I tried everything from tea tree oil, oregano oil, bentonite clay etc etc. and it lasted for weeks. Well this all started on a Tuesday morning, by Wednesday morning herpes # 4 & 5 were appearing then I remembered the MMS that was hidden way back on the shelf. Gratefully, I got on the web site to get the recipe. I couldn't wait to read through everything so I just did 6 drops and 1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar with some water and slammed it. Thursday morning Herpe #1 was dried up. #'s 2&3 were red marks and 4&5 were gone. I got right back on the website and caught up with all that is happening and I AM BACK! FULL TILT!! ----- emails, I'm joining the church. I will preach. I will take the test. I will continue to fight for health FREEDOM. I am writing to my congressmen and to my political party (Libertarian) to let them know what is going on with this ludicrous FDA lawsuit against these Health Freedom Warriors! STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN... EVEN IF YOU ARE STANDING ALONE! Peace begins with me. One other note, God Bless You Jim Humble! When your time comes; You sure have earned yourself a high place up there in heaven! Thank you!
Casey Thompson
United States
Posted : 26-02-2013
13. Cured My Cat of herpes in the eye
My cat was diagnosed with herpes in her eye. It would get infected and she'd get crust all around it. Sometimes it would be really bad. I had to pay $80 each time to take her to the vet and she would get an antibiotic cream and that would heal it for maybe a month. I started giving her activated MMS. I would activate one drop, then add water and squirt a little bit in her mouth. I started with one dose, but would then do multiple doses in a day (but not stronger, just more doses). Within 4 weeks her eye was healed. Not only did the pus stop, but both her eyes became very bright and clear. She also lost weight. She was a little fat, and she slimmed down to what the vet called a healthy weight for an indoor cat.
That was 4 years ago. She's still very healthy and her eye infection never came back! The vet refuses to believe that she's "healed" and told me that herpes can lie dormant for a long time and then suddenly flare up. I doubt that's the case!
United States
Posted : 24-01-2013
14. Shingles / Herpes Zoster cured in three days
My mother had unbearable pain in leg as she had an attack of Shingles / Herpes Zoster. She had very little knowledge of protocols. Yet she took six drop doses three times a day for three days. The consequent over reaction was unavoidable but the inflammation of the nerves was gone with just light tingling sensation remaining on the fourth day. This is a miracle given that others with similar condition wouldn't want to live with the pain. This is without any prescription pain killers or anti-virals.
Posted : 19-07-2015
15. A written letter
It has been a long one year and six month to finally see a test result that is negative. Happy isn’t the word getting my life back is a blessing. For anyone who do not believe in the 7- day protocol, they really don’t want their life back. These doctors are here to make money off of us. They are practicing medicine they are not trying to cure it. If anyone has an ounce of common sense they would save every penny to get this 7- day protocol kit. I’m helping everyone I met on the dating site (which is not a good site by the way) to help them heal their body from the herpes virus. A lot of people have to see that you go through it in order to try it. I will like to THANKS 2 Obasi Scott & Bervin Jackson. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Thanks Obasi Scott for answering every single email I sent u. These individuals are here to help us make the best decision of your life and get your life back.
Youtube video with the Herpes negative test result:
16. MMS Cured My Genital Herpes
About 6 months ago, I was searching for some kind of relief/cure? for genital herpes for my wife and myself. I have been suffering from herpes outbreaks for 18 years and gave my wife the gift that keeps on giving last year and she has been miserable with almost non- stop outbreaks:( It sure has taken its toll on our sex life. I stumbled across mms surfing the net and immediately bought the video, the book and the product. We both started with morning and night applications, starting with 1 drop and working our way up to 15 drops, each day adding another drop.
When we go to 13-15 drops it was way to hard (diarrhea, abdominal cramping, loss of energy, and for me hot flashes, crazy sweating all the time). We backed down to 10 drops in the morning and 10 at night for a month straight. I admit we did miss a couple here and there but we persistent. Honestly, we stopped after that because I got tired of the hot flashes and low energy. After stopping all our symptoms mentioned above returned to normal.
Now from the info I read on the net, it is recommended you take 15 drops twice a day for a month the herpes virus is close to the surface of the skin and you need to reach the point of saturation. Bottom line is I am cured, my wife still continues to get outbreaks and we are beginning another month and a half long treatment. It has been close to 5 months and I have not had one outbreak, which is a huge breakthrough. It is worth all the weird side effects to be free of that ugly beast called herpes.
http://www.healthsalon.org/439/mms-cure ... al-herpes/ Posted : 03-07-2012
17. Genital Herpes.
In September 2011, while traveling the world, I discovered that I was infected with HSV-2. To say I was horrified is easily an understatement. I simply could not believe I was in this position. I probably went through every emotion ranging from denial, to anger, to sadness, etc. The one emotion that I refused to allow into my thoughts was that of acceptance. The one thing that kept me going was the belief that I would be able to overcome this disease as I have overcome many other trials throughout my life. At that point I set out on a mission to overcome this horrible disease which left me feeling isolated and tainted. After a short while I simply felt unworthy of companionship and conducted my life in a manner that allowed me to keep my distance from others and especially women.Over the course of 2 years, I stayed focused and tried just about everything ranging from MMS, Resolve Herpes, the Underground Cure, Oregano Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide, and numerous other home remedies I came across. I committed fully to each of these treatments but none of them worked and some of them were quite expensive.
I was experiencing outbreaks every 3 months no matter what I tried. I had just about reached the point of giving up. I did not see a way out of this day to day nightmare that had left me depressed, anti-social, and lonely. As a last and final resort, I decided to go back to Jim Humble’s site as I still believed in MMS and its ability to help so many people. I began to question if the manner in which I had taken it was correct and if I had really given it enough time to do its job.
While visiting his site, I came across a link for the Genesis II Church Health Restoration center in Colombia. I figured I had nothing to lose at this point. I had already hit rock bottom and felt that there was nowhere to go but up. I needed to speak with someone who understood MMS and could help guide me in the right direction.
I sent an email to Arch Bishop Mark and he responded to me quickly with both encouraging words and sound science. He was actually the first person I had ever shared this with. He was very kind and told me that he could help. After a few short minutes on a Skype call, I had no doubt that he genuinely wanted to help and also had the ability to do so.
I arrived in Santa Marta Colombia and was greeted at the airport by his sons Joe and Luke. They had already taken care of everything and set me up with a great penthouse only 3 minutes from the beach and with food already in the fridge as well as my treatment ready to go. The next morning my path to restored health had begun. I had made arrangements to stay at total of 30 days which would prove necessary if I was to kick this stubborn virus from my body.
The Genesis II Church family was amazing and very generous with their time. They were with me every step of the way and helped me push forward with my treatment which was easy and painless. The protocol they taught me was completely different from what I had tried previously and was MUCH more effective. They also taught me more about proper nutrition and provided me with raw foods to help me strengthen my immune system. My time in Colombia was both comfortable, enjoyable, and was a very necessary break from what I was dealing with. For the first time in years, I felt like I was on the right path.
Since leaving Colombia some time back, I am happy to report I have been COMPLETELY symptom free for the first time in nearly 3 years. Not only that, but I have also tested negative for HSV-2 on two separate occasions. A year ago, I could have never imagined being in the position to write this testimony. I feel blessed to have found the Genesis II Church and be able to share my experience with others who may be going through the same thing.
I finally feel like I have my life back. Herpes took a huge toll on me emotionally and that is something that I am still coming back from but I could not be happier or more grateful for what the Genesis II Church and the Grenon family did for me.
Herpes is a horrible disease that I would not wish on anyone. It may not be life threatening but the impact it has ones inner self worth is devastating. I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend those suffering from Herpes to visit the Genesis II Church and together with their help, overcome this horrible disease.
Thank you Genesis II Church for what you do on a day to day basis to help others. It is truly something special and a kindness that I will never forget.
18. No More Herpes:
I suffered from herpes all my life, but with help from the underground cure (6- week protocol) I was able to cure my herpes with an Alkaline Diet and Jim Humble's Herpes Protocol. It is better if you do a liver cleanse before starting on MMS and a colon cleanse after the MMS protocol. I went all the way to 7 drops 4 times a day for almost a month, of course you should start with a low dosage ( 1 or 2 drops) for the first 5 days the work your way up. I got rid of my herpes and eczema (and probably many other things) Oxygen therapy cures all anaerobic viruses ! I want to thank Jim Humble and Jesus Christ my lord a savior for curing me through MMS.
19. After years without an outbreak,
I woke up with the telltale itch. At first I thought it was a spider bite on my butt. It didn't take long to figure out I was having a genital herpes outbreak. First I took out the pharmaceutical cream I had stowed away, applied it and low and behold here come two more lesions popping out. I kept putting the cream on hoping that would help since my last outbreak I tried everything from tea tree oil, oregano oil, bentonite clay etc. and it lasted for weeks. Well this all started on a Tuesday morning, by Wednesday morning herpes # 4 & 5 were appearing then I remembered the MMS that was hidden way back on the shelf. Gratefully, I got on the web site to get the recipe. I couldn't wait to read through everything so I just did 6 drops and 1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar with some water and slammed it. Thursday morning Herpes #1 was dried up. #'s 2&3 were red marks and 4&5 were gone. I got right back on the website and caught up with all that is happening and I AM BACK! FULL TILT!! ----- emails, I'm joining the church. I will preach. I will take the test. I will continue to fight for health FREEDOM. I am writing to my congressmen and to my political party (Libertarian) to let them know what is going on with this ludicrous FDA lawsuit against these Health Freedom Warriors! STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN... EVEN IF YOU ARE STANDING ALONE! Peace begins with me. One other note, God Bless You Jim Humble! When your time comes; you sure have earned yourself a high place up there in heaven! Thank you!
Casey Thompson
20. About 6 months ago I was searching for some kind of relief/cure for genital herpes for my wife and myself. I have been suffering from herpes outbreaks for 18 years and gave my wife the gift that keeps on giving last year and she has been miserable with almost nonstop outbreaks:( It sure has taken its toll on our sex life. I stumbled across mms surfing the net and immediately bought the video, the book and the product. We both started with morning and night applications, starting with 1 drop and working our way up to 15 drops, each day adding another drop.
When we went to 13-15 drops it was way too hard (diarrhea, abdominal cramping, loss of energy, and for me hot flashes, crazy sweating all the time). We backed down to 10 drops in the morning and 10 at night for a month straight. I admit we did miss a couple here and there but we are persistent. Honestly, we stopped after that because I got tired of the hot flashes and low energy. After stopping, all our symptoms mentioned above returned to normal.
Now from the info I read on the net, it is recommended you take 15 drops twice a day for a month the herpes virus is close to the surface of the skin and you need to reach the point of saturation. Bottom line is I am cured, my wife still continues to get outbreaks and we are beginning another month and a half long treatment. It has been close to 5 months and I have not had one outbreak, which is a huge breakthrough. It is worth all the weird side effects to be free of that ugly beast called herpes.
http://www.healthsalon.org/439/mms-cure ... al-herpes/
21. "A little update on the herpes2. well after the 3 or 4 days of the tingling feeling and the sensations of a sore that never came out, i am happy to report that not only was there no breakout but now, for me, as my husband, the tingling and any sensation has stopped also...??...looks like the herpes was not allowed to do its thing with us this time! thanks to mms.??before mms, on the average, I had a hsv2 breakout about 2x a month --- sometimes 1---sometimes 3?--- but I have always, like clockwork, had a breakout during my period or right after, so it will be interesting to see what happens in 2 or so weeks when my menses comes.??I upped my dose from 5 drops 2x a day to 5 drops 3x a day rather than increasing the # of drops-- b/c I still get a little nauseas with 6 drops or over ---but I seem to be fine with 5drops 3x a day the last two days.??I also wanted to mention that I feel a bit more clear in my head (brain fog for years)and I have less headaches. much of the stiffness and aches(especially in my neck and legs) have vanished since being on mms. also, in the mornings I used to feel like I was hit by a truck when I woke up ---but now I feel like I was only hit by a bike. It’s pretty amazing that all this happened only since Jan 1st 2008 --- that much occurred for me in about a two- week time frame! I used almost every type of holistic/natural/alternative health kick out there for over 15 years, and never have I had a shift like this in such a short period of time! ...and all for 25 bucks! --- I have spent thousands and thousands.? I have never felt this impressed with a supplement in all my 15 years of being on this path!??not to say that much of what I have done did not help me a lot...it really did! but not so OBVIOUSLY and QUICKLY as the mms! I also know I have a long way to go still and I have to continue with many of the things i have been using (green superfoods,vit/mineral supps./ herbs, probiotics, healthy foods/etc. etc.).??I really want to thank JIM HUMBLE. He is making me a better mother for my children. I hope he knows how many he has touched!?? Well thanks for listening.
22. Every now and then when I slept badly or was in a weak condition, I used to get SHINGLES.?Terrible spot the size of making a circle between my thumb and index finger covered in blisters and with a terrible pain For weeks on end I would suffer from the burning sensation. Now my mother gave me 4 drops of activated MMS1 every hour for 6 times the first day. Then I became nauseous and cut back to 1 drop every hour the second day.?But then the third day the SHINGLE-spot was dried up already!!!! I am elated.?Now I use protocol (MMS)1000 to attack the rest of my diseases. Praise God. I am so happy. It truly is a miracle mineral provided by the Lord.
Megan Eyhbroel